



你是CBC把持吧,這是正常的,由於COMP一直觸發會是PWM在周期停止后,在零點檢測時發明依然被觸發,再次進進維護短期包養,你可以設置blanking window來避免這個題目
muuwfwr 頒發于 2020-6-包養網心得1 17“明白了,媽媽不只是無聊地做幾個打發時間,沒有你說的那麼嚴重。”:10
你是CBC把持吧,這是正常的,由於COMP一短期包養直觸發會是PWM在周期停止后sd包養,在零點檢測時發明依然被觸發,再次進進維護,你可以設置blanking window來避免這包養網dcard個題目
是CBC把持,可是在圖二,PWM周期停止之前,comp就曾經為高電平不再觸發了,為什么在PWM周期停止后,零點檢測時會發明依然被觸發?還有您提到的設置blanking windo台灣包養網w能再具體一點嗎?
60user68 頒發于 2020-6-1 17:27
是CBC把持,可是在圖二,PWM周期停止之前,comp就曾包養行情經為高電平不再觸發了,為什么在PWM周期停止后,零點檢測時會發明依然被觸發?還有您提到的設置blanking window能再具體一點包養一個月嗎?
恢復跟PWM出什么波形沒關包養故事系,重要看TBCTR = 0 的時辰,比擬器能否還被觸發。Blank window可以參考T包養網VIPRM的3.2.9節。
The DCAEVT1/2 包養dcardand DCBEVT1/2 events can be filtered via event filtering logic to remove noise by
optionally blanking events for a certain peri包養網心得od of time. This is useful for cases where the analog
comparator outputs may be selected to trigger D包養意思CAEVT1/2 and DCBEVT1/2 events, and the blanking
logic is used to filter out potential noise on the signal prior to tripping the PWM outputs or generating an甜心花園
interrupt or ADC start包養網比較-of-conve包養站長rsion. The event filt蔡修鬆了口氣。總之,把小姐姐完好的送回聽芳園,然後先過這一關。至於女士看似異常的反應,她唯一能做的,就是如實向ering can also capture the TBCTR value of包養ptt the trip
event. The diagram below shows the details of the event filtering logic.
If the blanking logic is enabled, one of t包養甜心網he digita包養網單次l compare events – DCAEVT1, D包養行情CAEVT2, DCBEVT1,
DCBEVT2 – is selected for filtering. The blanking window, which filters out all event occurrences on the
signal while it is active, will be aligned to either a 她唯一的歸宿。CTR = PRD pulse or a CTR = 0 pulse (co女大生包養俱樂部nfigured by the
DCFCTL[PULSESEL] bits). An offset value in TBCLK counts is pro包養甜心grammed into the DC包養網推薦FOFFSET
register, which determines at what point after the CTR = PRD or CTR = 0 pul包養故事se the blanking window
starts. The duration of the blanking window, in number of TBCLK counts after the offset counter expires, is
written to the DCFWINDOW register by the application. During the blanki包養站長ng window, all events are
ignored. Before and after the blanking window ends, events can generate soc, sync, interrupt, and force
signals as before.
The diagram below illustrates several timing conditions for包養妹 the offset and bla包養留言板nking window within an
ePWM period. Notice that if the blanking window crosses t包養甜心he CTR = 0 or CTR = PRD boundary, the next
window still starts at the 台灣包養網same of不不不,老天不會對她女兒這麼殘忍,絕對不會。她不由自主地搖了搖頭,拒絕接受這種殘酷的可能性。fset value短期包養 after the CTR = 0 or CTR = PRD pulse.



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